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Criminal Justice Overview Resources

These reports/information are referred to in the Criminal Justice Overview course.  Many of the reports are key influential in the criminal justice sector.

Therefore, you may find it useful to refer to them for more information about how current changes and proposals have been informed by their content; the current Scottish Strategy documents are also included which give the outcomes that expected from those working in the criminal justice sector.


Basic advice on first aid at work

Basic advice on first aid for use in an emergency by the Health and Safety Executive.

Please note this is not a substitute for effective training.

E-learning Policy

The following Turning Point Scotland policy will give you an overview of the following:

  • The definition of e-learning
  • When and where you can do e-learning
  • Practical considerations when doing e-learning
  • How much time you will get to do e-learning
  • Computer considerations
  • Security considerations
  • E-learning misconduct

Everyday first aid

The link below will take you to the British Red Cross website.  

Which will provide you with fast first aid tips is a sequence of short video clips (about 2 minutes each) giving advice about how to handle everyday situations.

British Red Cross website 

This information can be useful as a refresher, as a stop gap prior to training, to accompany Chocking Charlie, or the mannequin used for CPR.

Please note these are not in depth resources.

If you are unable to access the British Red Cross website the Fast First Aid Tips tips will help you to learn basic skills.



Back pain in the workplace

Sitting badly in front of a computer for hours on end is storing up trouble.  The body can tolerate being in one position for only a short period of time before it feels the need to adjust.  Positioning monitor, keyboard, and mouse, correctly can help to ensure good computer posture and a proper chair is essential.  The following guide will give you some tips on how to try and avoid back pain the the workplace.

Basic advice on first aid at work

Basic advice on first aid for use in an emergency by the Health and Safety Executive.

Please note this is not a substitute for effective training.

Caring for cleaners

This Health and Safety Executive publication will be useful for employers, managers/supervisors, health and safety personnel, trainers, safety and union representatives and cleaners themselves.
Guidance is provided on recognising and controlling the manual handling and upper limb risks faced by cleaners at work.  A number of case studies are also provided, focusing on how organisations have reached a solution.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 1998 (COSHH) Simple Guide

Health and Safety Executives short guide to what you need to know about Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)

E-learning Policy

The following Turning Point Scotland policy will give you an overview of the following:

  • The definition of e-learning
  • When and where you can do e-learning
  • Practical considerations when doing e-learning
  • How much time you will get to do e-learning
  • Computer considerations
  • Security considerations
  • E-learning misconduct

Effective Handwashing

The Food Standards Agency in Scotland has developed a handwashing film, which demonstrates an effective way to wash hands and eliminate potentially harmful bacteria.  At any one time, there can be millions of germs on your hands, although these are far too small to be seen by the naked eye. Some of these are harmful to health and when spread to food can cause food poisoning.

They can, however, be eliminated with an effective hand washing technique. This film demonstrating this technique can be accessed via the link on the right.


Ergonomics and human factors at work

You may have heard the term ‘ergonomics’.  In some industries, such as major hazards, defence and transport, ergonomics is also called ‘human factors’. This Health and Safety Executive leaflet helps to explain how applying ergonomics can improve health and safety in your workplace.

Everyday first aid

The link below will take you to the British Red Cross website.  

Which will provide you with fast first aid tips is a sequence of short video clips (about 2 minutes each) giving advice about how to handle everyday situations.

British Red Cross website 

This information can be useful as a refresher, as a stop gap prior to training, to accompany Chocking Charlie, or the mannequin used for CPR.

Please note these are not in depth resources.

If you are unable to access the British Red Cross website the Fast First Aid Tips tips will help you to learn basic skills.


Exercises for office workers

In recent years there has been a move towards more office based jobs which has resulted in a nation of people who spend hours a day sitting stationary and hunched over in front of a desk.  It is not surprising that a growing number of office workers complain of back pain.  The lack of activity and movement as well as the bad posture associated with sitting in front of a desk all day means our backs are under a great deal of stress.  However, despite this there are ways to protect your back from the strains of office work.  This short guide will give you some tips on what you can do whilst at work to reduce the impact of back pain.

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

A short guide to Health and Safety Regulations by the Health and Safety Executive.

Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)

A short guide to Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) by the Health and Safety Executive.

Managing for Health and Safety 2013

A short guide introduction to managing for health and safety.  This leaflet is for those who need to put into place or oversee their organisation's health and safety arrangements.

Manual Handling at Work

This Health and Safety Executive leaflet describes what you, as an employer, may need to do to protect your employees from the risk of injury through manual handling tasks in the workplace. It will also be useful to employees and their representatives.

Manual Handling Operations

A short guide to Manual Handling Operations by the Health and Safety Executive.

Provision and Use of Work Equipment

A short guide to Provision and Use of Work Equipment by the Health and Safety Executive.

Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR)

A short guide to Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) by the Health and Safety Executive.

Ten tips for food safety

Ten food safety tips from the Food Standards Agency.

Top 10 back care tips

This short guide will give you 10 tips for looking after your back.

Wheelchair Safety, Maintenance and Operations Guide

This resource is a guide to wheelchair safety, maintenance and operations.

Workplace Health Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992

A short guide to Workplace Health Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992 by the Health and Safety Executive.


E-learning Policy

The following Turning Point Scotland policy will give you an overview of the following:

  • The definition of e-learning
  • When and where you can do e-learning
  • Practical considerations when doing e-learning
  • How much time you will get to do e-learning
  • Computer considerations
  • Security considerations
  • E-learning misconduct

Injury and Fall Prevention for People with Learning Disabilities

The aim of this resource guide is to raise awareness of the causes and types of injuries and falls experienced by people with learning disabilities, amongst those who care for or support them, and to provide practical information and resources to help prevent injuries and falls.

Living with autism in the community

This film gives a direct insight into living with autism from the perspective of people with autism and their family members.


The honest heart

The Honest Heart stars the people we support from Turning Point Scotland's Viewpoint service.  The documentary explores their determination to lead independent lives.

Turning Point Scotland's Viewpoint service in Ayr supports adults with learning disabilities to access their local community.  Documentary film maker Ruth Carslaw worked with people who use the service to film each members as they filmed themselves capturing hand-held self-portraits, or point the lens outwards to the world before them.

Made whilst busy with their day to day lives, their films are full of candid glimpses: going to the gym, swimming, meeting friends and dancing.


Wheelchair Safety, Maintenance and Operations Guide

This resource is a guide to wheelchair safety, maintenance and operations.


Anxiety Disorder

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) online learning tool - Anxiety Disorders forms part of the implementation strategy for NICE guidance.  Developed by the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education, the tool supports the implementation of NICE quality standard 53, Anxiety Disorder.  Interactive activities will help you identify and manage generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and body dysmorphic disorder.

This free online tool supports some of the quality standard's key recommendations including improving the recognition and assessment of anxiety disorders, evidence based psychological interventions and choosing appropriate drug treatment.  The online learning tool is available from the NICE website (to access the website click on the link below):


Depression - Mental health first aid guidelines

This particular resource has been adapted from the Mental Health First Aid Training and Research Programme (Depression: First Aid Guidelines).

E-learning Policy

The following Turning Point Scotland policy will give you an overview of the following:

  • The definition of e-learning
  • When and where you can do e-learning
  • Practical considerations when doing e-learning
  • How much time you will get to do e-learning
  • Computer considerations
  • Security considerations
  • E-learning misconduct

Living with autism in the community

This film gives a direct insight into living with autism from the perspective of people with autism and their family members.


Realising Recovery - The Framework

This document identifies the knowledge, skills and values workers need to practice in a recovery focused way.


Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 1998 (COSHH) Simple Guide

Health and Safety Executives short guide to what you need to know about Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)

E-learning Policy

The following Turning Point Scotland policy will give you an overview of the following:

  • The definition of e-learning
  • When and where you can do e-learning
  • Practical considerations when doing e-learning
  • How much time you will get to do e-learning
  • Computer considerations
  • Security considerations
  • E-learning misconduct

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

A short guide to Health and Safety Regulations by the Health and Safety Executive.

Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)

A short guide to Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) by the Health and Safety Executive.

Managing for Health and Safety 2013

A short guide introduction to managing for health and safety.  This leaflet is for those who need to put into place or oversee their organisation's health and safety arrangements.

Manual Handling Operations

A short guide to Manual Handling Operations by the Health and Safety Executive.

Provision and Use of Work Equipment

A short guide to Provision and Use of Work Equipment by the Health and Safety Executive.

Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR)

A short guide to Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) by the Health and Safety Executive.

Risk factors associated with pushing and pulling

A brief overview of the Health and Safety Executives risk factors associated with pushing and pulling of loads.

Top 10 back care tips

This short guide will give you 10 tips for looking after your back.

Wheelchair Safety, Maintenance and Operations Guide

This resource is a guide to wheelchair safety, maintenance and operations.

Workplace Health Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992

A short guide to Workplace Health Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992 by the Health and Safety Executive.


E-learning Policy

The following Turning Point Scotland policy will give you an overview of the following:

  • The definition of e-learning
  • When and where you can do e-learning
  • Practical considerations when doing e-learning
  • How much time you will get to do e-learning
  • Computer considerations
  • Security considerations
  • E-learning misconduct

Living with autism in the community

This film gives a direct insight into living with autism from the perspective of people with autism and their family members.


Preventing loneliness prompt cards

Many older people in Scotland feel lonely; Social isolation and loneliness are associated with poorer health and well-being. A preventative approach looks for ways to maintain and build social and community connections for older people. These cards, created by Iriss, are reminders to think about ways you can work with people you support to help them keep connected.

The honest heart

The Honest Heart stars the people we support from Turning Point Scotland's Viewpoint service.  The documentary explores their determination to lead independent lives.

Turning Point Scotland's Viewpoint service in Ayr supports adults with learning disabilities to access their local community.  Documentary film maker Ruth Carslaw worked with people who use the service to film each members as they filmed themselves capturing hand-held self-portraits, or point the lens outwards to the world before them.

Made whilst busy with their day to day lives, their films are full of candid glimpses: going to the gym, swimming, meeting friends and dancing.



Back pain in the workplace

Sitting badly in front of a computer for hours on end is storing up trouble.  The body can tolerate being in one position for only a short period of time before it feels the need to adjust.  Positioning monitor, keyboard, and mouse, correctly can help to ensure good computer posture and a proper chair is essential.  The following guide will give you some tips on how to try and avoid back pain the the workplace.

Caring for cleaners

This Health and Safety Executive publication will be useful for employers, managers/supervisors, health and safety personnel, trainers, safety and union representatives and cleaners themselves.
Guidance is provided on recognising and controlling the manual handling and upper limb risks faced by cleaners at work.  A number of case studies are also provided, focusing on how organisations have reached a solution.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 1998 (COSHH) Simple Guide

Health and Safety Executives short guide to what you need to know about Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)

E-learning Policy

The following Turning Point Scotland policy will give you an overview of the following:

  • The definition of e-learning
  • When and where you can do e-learning
  • Practical considerations when doing e-learning
  • How much time you will get to do e-learning
  • Computer considerations
  • Security considerations
  • E-learning misconduct

Ergonomics and human factors at work

You may have heard the term ‘ergonomics’.  In some industries, such as major hazards, defence and transport, ergonomics is also called ‘human factors’. This Health and Safety Executive leaflet helps to explain how applying ergonomics can improve health and safety in your workplace.

Exercises for office workers

In recent years there has been a move towards more office based jobs which has resulted in a nation of people who spend hours a day sitting stationary and hunched over in front of a desk.  It is not surprising that a growing number of office workers complain of back pain.  The lack of activity and movement as well as the bad posture associated with sitting in front of a desk all day means our backs are under a great deal of stress.  However, despite this there are ways to protect your back from the strains of office work.  This short guide will give you some tips on what you can do whilst at work to reduce the impact of back pain.

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

A short guide to Health and Safety Regulations by the Health and Safety Executive.

Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)

A short guide to Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) by the Health and Safety Executive.

Managing for Health and Safety 2013

A short guide introduction to managing for health and safety.  This leaflet is for those who need to put into place or oversee their organisation's health and safety arrangements.

Manual Handling at Work

This Health and Safety Executive leaflet describes what you, as an employer, may need to do to protect your employees from the risk of injury through manual handling tasks in the workplace. It will also be useful to employees and their representatives.

Manual Handling Operations

A short guide to Manual Handling Operations by the Health and Safety Executive.

Provision and Use of Work Equipment

A short guide to Provision and Use of Work Equipment by the Health and Safety Executive.

Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR)

A short guide to Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) by the Health and Safety Executive.

Risk factors associated with pushing and pulling

A brief overview of the Health and Safety Executives risk factors associated with pushing and pulling of loads.

Top 10 back care tips

This short guide will give you 10 tips for looking after your back.

Wheelchair Safety, Maintenance and Operations Guide

This resource is a guide to wheelchair safety, maintenance and operations.

Workplace Health Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992

A short guide to Workplace Health Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992 by the Health and Safety Executive.


Enhancing staff development through supervision

This film is about how staff skills are enhanced through supervision for staff working in care homes for older people.


Supervision in an integrated setting

This film shows how the quality of social work in an integrated mental health setting can be enhanced by complementing line management supervision with clinical and professional supervision.


Supervision supporting staff and improving care

This film shows how the effective supervision of staff can improve the quality of care and outcomes for people in a supported living setting.



Drugs wheel

A guide to some commonly-used recreational psychoactive substances in the UK.

E-learning Policy

The following Turning Point Scotland policy will give you an overview of the following:

  • The definition of e-learning
  • When and where you can do e-learning
  • Practical considerations when doing e-learning
  • How much time you will get to do e-learning
  • Computer considerations
  • Security considerations
  • E-learning misconduct

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