Materials from a number of sources have been gathered to support your learning. These will be of particular value if you work in a personalised service and have difficulty attending face-to-face training or where no e-learning alternative is available. These materials can also be used as additional information for courses you have completed.
However these materials do not replace courses which are essential training for your job. If you are unclear about what else you need to become knowledgeable in any topic you should seek the advice of your line manager or Training and Development Officer.
Depression - Mental health first aid guidelinesThis particular resource has been adapted from the Mental Health First Aid Training and Research Programme (Depression: First Aid Guidelines). |
E-learning PolicyThe following Turning Point Scotland policy will give you an overview of the following:
Living with autism in the communityThis film gives a direct insight into living with autism from the perspective of people with autism and their family members. |
Realising Recovery - The FrameworkThis document identifies the knowledge, skills and values workers need to practice in a recovery focused way. |
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 1998 (COSHH) Simple GuideHealth and Safety Executives short guide to what you need to know about Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) |
E-learning PolicyThe following Turning Point Scotland policy will give you an overview of the following:
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974A short guide to Health and Safety Regulations by the Health and Safety Executive. |
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)A short guide to Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) by the Health and Safety Executive. |
Managing for Health and Safety 2013A short guide introduction to managing for health and safety. This leaflet is for those who need to put into place or oversee their organisation's health and safety arrangements. |
Manual Handling OperationsA short guide to Manual Handling Operations by the Health and Safety Executive. |