Thursday, 23 January 2025, 10:39 PM
Site: Turning Point Scotland
Course: Turning Point Scotland (TPS)
Glossary: Resources

Criminal Justice Overview Resources

These reports/information are referred to in the Criminal Justice Overview course.  Many of the reports are key influential in the criminal justice sector.

Therefore, you may find it useful to refer to them for more information about how current changes and proposals have been informed by their content; the current Scottish Strategy documents are also included which give the outcomes that expected from those working in the criminal justice sector.


Basic advice on first aid at work

Basic advice on first aid for use in an emergency by the Health and Safety Executive.

Please note this is not a substitute for effective training.

E-learning Policy

The following Turning Point Scotland policy will give you an overview of the following:

  • The definition of e-learning
  • When and where you can do e-learning
  • Practical considerations when doing e-learning
  • How much time you will get to do e-learning
  • Computer considerations
  • Security considerations
  • E-learning misconduct

Everyday first aid

The link below will take you to the British Red Cross website.  

Which will provide you with fast first aid tips is a sequence of short video clips (about 2 minutes each) giving advice about how to handle everyday situations.

British Red Cross website 

This information can be useful as a refresher, as a stop gap prior to training, to accompany Chocking Charlie, or the mannequin used for CPR.

Please note these are not in depth resources.

If you are unable to access the British Red Cross website the Fast First Aid Tips tips will help you to learn basic skills.



Back pain in the workplace

Sitting badly in front of a computer for hours on end is storing up trouble.  The body can tolerate being in one position for only a short period of time before it feels the need to adjust.  Positioning monitor, keyboard, and mouse, correctly can help to ensure good computer posture and a proper chair is essential.  The following guide will give you some tips on how to try and avoid back pain the the workplace.

Basic advice on first aid at work

Basic advice on first aid for use in an emergency by the Health and Safety Executive.

Please note this is not a substitute for effective training.

Caring for cleaners

This Health and Safety Executive publication will be useful for employers, managers/supervisors, health and safety personnel, trainers, safety and union representatives and cleaners themselves.
Guidance is provided on recognising and controlling the manual handling and upper limb risks faced by cleaners at work.  A number of case studies are also provided, focusing on how organisations have reached a solution.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 1998 (COSHH) Simple Guide

Health and Safety Executives short guide to what you need to know about Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)

E-learning Policy

The following Turning Point Scotland policy will give you an overview of the following:

  • The definition of e-learning
  • When and where you can do e-learning
  • Practical considerations when doing e-learning
  • How much time you will get to do e-learning
  • Computer considerations
  • Security considerations
  • E-learning misconduct

Effective Handwashing

The Food Standards Agency in Scotland has developed a handwashing film, which demonstrates an effective way to wash hands and eliminate potentially harmful bacteria.  At any one time, there can be millions of germs on your hands, although these are far too small to be seen by the naked eye. Some of these are harmful to health and when spread to food can cause food poisoning.

They can, however, be eliminated with an effective hand washing technique. This film demonstrating this technique can be accessed via the link on the right.
