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Provision and Use of Work Equipment

A short guide to Provision and Use of Work Equipment by the Health and Safety Executive.

Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR)

A short guide to Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) by the Health and Safety Executive.

Risk factors associated with pushing and pulling

A brief overview of the Health and Safety Executives risk factors associated with pushing and pulling of loads.

Top 10 back care tips

This short guide will give you 10 tips for looking after your back.

Wheelchair Safety, Maintenance and Operations Guide

This resource is a guide to wheelchair safety, maintenance and operations.

Workplace Health Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992

A short guide to Workplace Health Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992 by the Health and Safety Executive.


E-learning Policy

The following Turning Point Scotland policy will give you an overview of the following:

  • The definition of e-learning
  • When and where you can do e-learning
  • Practical considerations when doing e-learning
  • How much time you will get to do e-learning
  • Computer considerations
  • Security considerations
  • E-learning misconduct

Living with autism in the community

This film gives a direct insight into living with autism from the perspective of people with autism and their family members.


Preventing loneliness prompt cards

Many older people in Scotland feel lonely; Social isolation and loneliness are associated with poorer health and well-being. A preventative approach looks for ways to maintain and build social and community connections for older people. These cards, created by Iriss, are reminders to think about ways you can work with people you support to help them keep connected.

The honest heart

The Honest Heart stars the people we support from Turning Point Scotland's Viewpoint service.  The documentary explores their determination to lead independent lives.

Turning Point Scotland's Viewpoint service in Ayr supports adults with learning disabilities to access their local community.  Documentary film maker Ruth Carslaw worked with people who use the service to film each members as they filmed themselves capturing hand-held self-portraits, or point the lens outwards to the world before them.

Made whilst busy with their day to day lives, their films are full of candid glimpses: going to the gym, swimming, meeting friends and dancing.


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