Course Catalogue
Mental Health
Welcome to Turning Point Scotland
This course will provide you with an awareness of the work we do, and what you can expect as an employee working with us.
Welcome to Turning Point Scotland
This course will provide you with an awareness of the work we do, and what you can expect as an employee working with us.
Adult Support & Protection Refresher
This course is to help ensure that you have the necessary knowledge to help stop or prevent potential harm or abuse occurring within any of the Turning Point Scotland services you work in.
Anxiety Disorder Awareness
This course explores what is meant by the term anxiety disorder and gives you information about what support you can offer.
Bipolar Disorder Awareness
This course explores what is meant by the term bipolar disorder and gives you information about what support you can offer.
Child Protection
Data Protection Awareness
The purpose of this course is to enhance your understanding and awareness of the key changes to data protection legislation that have come about with the introduction of GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 that came into affect 25th May 2018.
Depression Awareness
This course explores what is meant by the term depression and gives you information about what support you can offer.
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
This course explores why its important we understand what our responsibilities are under the law and what we need to do to be as inclusive as possible.
Fire Safety Management - Refresher
Turning Point Scotland provide a wide range of services in different environments to people with varying needs. Therefore it is important that you know the content of the service's fire risk assessment, emergency evacuation plan and any other procedure that is specific to your place of work.
Introduction to Homelessness
This introductory course is for people new to working with homelessness.
IT Security and Cyber Awareness
Information protection and management is of critical importance to us. Without adequate security measures, personal information, sensitive documents could be put at risk.
Lone Working Awareness
This course aims to support you to identify risks to your own and others health and safety while you are lone working. It will also help you improve decision making in every day situations so you are better equipped to make informed choices and therefore take action that minimises risk.
Medication Awareness
This course provides some basic guidance on the handling of medications and to act as a foundation for your practice in ordering, storing and administering medication within Turning Point Scotland services.
Personality Disorder Awareness
This course explores what is meant by the term personality disorder and gives you information about what support you can offer.
Recording and Reporting
This course is about exploring what should be included in any report when you are working with service user and staff records.
Safer Handling & Back Care
This course aims to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries that can be caused by poor manual handling in the workplace. The course will make clear the knowledge and skills that are required to enable you to carry out your job in a safe and effective manner, whilst complying with current legislation.
Schizophrenia Awareness
This course explores what is meant by the term schizophrenia and gives you information about what support you can offer.
Service Users Finances
This course is primarily aimed at staff who support service users to manage their finances.
Stress Awareness
This course is mainly about managing your own stress levels, although you will be able to use the information with your colleagues, the people you support, friends and family.
Victim Awareness
This course is primarily aimed at those working in criminal justice services and those who come into contact with victims of crime.